I'd like to start a monthly tradition if you don't mind... The Missing Link! No, no, no! Not that link. I'm talking blog links! Great posts I have stumbled upon containing valuable, chocolate-coated morsels of information. My plan is to do this once a month. Though I like writing about all of my cool stuff, I have to admit, there are some people out there doing some pretty cool stuff themselves...I know, it's hard to believe. Cool stuff I found this month: I hope to never see one of my kids waking up in the morning looking like a red-eyed monster, but pink eye is a fairly common affliction, especially in children. This Natural Remedy for Pink Eye uses tea bags of all things to clear this common affliction. I am always looking for homemade beauty products , and this Homemade Bronzer caught my eye. It's got cocoa powder in it, so my face will smell like chocolate! (Please don't eat me.) I always assumed people died y...
From deodorant and ketchup, to raising chickens and composting.