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How to Use Homemade Rose Water

In my last post, I described how to make your own "steam distilled" rose water.  In this post, I will suggest a few ways to use your rose water now that you have made a batch.  Rose water is great for the skin, so it has a variety of uses for skin care; rose water is also useful for hair care, and even has culinary uses.

Using Rose Water for Skin Care


My favorite use for rose water is as a skin toner.  Rose water will help to improve your skin's tone and texture.  After I cleanse my skin with a mild soap or my oatmeal cleanser, I like to follow up with rose water as a toner.  Dab a cotton ball into the rose water, and apply it to your face, using short, upward strokes; do not rinse it off.  You can also get a little more creative if you'd like, and mix the rosewater with a splash of witch hazel or vodka.  This will create a mild astringent helpful for removing any dirt your cleanser may have missed and tightening pores.

Help for Skin Irritations

Sunburn, bug bites, rashes, and dry skin are all examples of skin irritations that rose water can help remedy.  Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps to repair skin cells and regenerate new skin tissue.  Applied to the skin with a cotton ball, soft cloth, or spritzer, it is very soothing.

Facial Masks

Rose water is a great addition to any facial mask, in place of the plain water you would normally use.  Here is a recipe for a very soothing facial mask, perfect for those with sensitive skin.

Milk 'n Honey Facial Mask

2 teaspoons rose water
2 teaspoons milk
1 teaspoon honey
oatmeal (powdered in a grinder or mortar and pestle)

Mix together the rose water, milk and honey.  Add enough powdered oatmeal to make a paste. Apply the paste to the face and neck.  Allow the mixture to stay on your skin for 20 minutes.  Then, rinse the mask off your face with lukewarm water, and pat dry.  This mask can also double as a facial cleanser.

Using Rose Water for Hair Care

The pH of rose water is near the same as the pH of a healthy head of hair.  When your hair's pH is off, it is more prone to breakage, frizziness, and split ends.  To improve your hair's health, put 1 cup of rose water in a spray bottle with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.  After showering, spritz the rose water mixture onto towel dried hair and comb through.  Style as usual.  Keep refrigerated to prolong shelf life.

Culinary Uses of Rose Water

Rose water is fairly uncommon in most food prepared in the United States, but it can be found in many ethnic dishes.  Rose water is a fragrant flavoring that pairs well with sweet foods, and can even be used in cocktails.  Try replacing some of the water or vanilla extract with rose water the next time you make cake, cookies, and other desserts. 

This recipe for a Rose Water Champagne Cocktail would be a nice compliment to any celebration or party:

Rose Water Champagne Cocktail


1 ounce rose water
1 ounce orange juice
Rose petals

Pour the rose water and orange juice into a champagne flute.  Fill the rest of the glass with champagne, and drop in a couple rose petals for garnish.


  1. Rosewater or more often known as ‘Gulab Jal’ is a by-product of the production of rose oil. It is one of well known ingredients used in perfumes, cosmetics, food and also medication preparations.

    Homemade Rose Water Shampoo: Mix three eggs with quarter cup each of rum and rose water, to make this into a shampoo to wash your hair. Finally rinse it with diluted vinegar.
    Adding rosewater to your last hair rinse will offer soft and shiny hair.
    Nourishing and moisturizing properties recover the quality of hair.
    Treats mild scalp inflammations, and dandruff caused my fungal infections.
    Down to its natural anti-inflammatory and healing properties, rosewater efficiently eliminates mild scalp inflammation.
    A regular rosewater massage promotes blood circulation in the scalp. Improved circulation not only enhances the shine and strength of your tresses but also triggers the hair follicles to produce more robust hair. Rosewater massage is also found to be very helpful in fixing the hair loss issue.
    See more on

  2. خدمات منزلية جيدة تحل لك الكثير من المشاكل المنزلية التي تكون مزعجة لكم مثل تسريبات المياه التي تظهر بالحوائط والاسقف وتحتاج الي
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام تكون متخصصة للحصول علي سبب التسريب بدون تكسير وتخريب فالتعامل مع
    شركة كشف تسربات بالدمام لديها خبرة كبيرة في التعامل مع مثل هذه الاشياء فهذا يحدث مع شركة ركن البيت التي تكون متخصصة في مثل هذه المجالات في السعودية لدينا اشهر المدن التي نقدم بها الخدمة وهي الرياض التي يمكنك التواصل معها من خلال شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض والتي تصل بكم الي قمة الاعمال في مثل هذه الخدمات فلدينا في شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض اهم الفنين والاجهزة الحديثة التي تساعدنا علي انجاز هذه المهام فمن الان لا تقلق بشأن التسربات التي توجد بالمباني الخاص لانك سوف تحصل علي خدمة جيدة


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