Make your own purse out of an old hard-cover book. Do you know someone with a purse fetish? I do, and she just had a 50th birthday! It's my mom! And she's a little devil who also happens to have a thing for purses. And what kind of gift do you give a mom who has a thousand purses? After brainstorming for a while, I decided on a book purse. I've never seen her (or anyone for that matter) with a book purse before, and it seemed like it would be a pretty simple project. So, I dashed off to the thrift store in search of the perfect book, and found this one: At a few inches thick, it was a pretty hefty book; it was around 10 inches long and 6 inches across. When you are deciding which book to choose for this project, just keep the user in mind and what they'll likely carry in it. For example, I know my mom is going to want something a bit roomy and wide enough to carry her checkbook. The book seemed a bit heavy when I purcha...
From deodorant and ketchup, to raising chickens and composting.