I wanted to exclusively breastfeed my twins, I really did. And I thought I could. While I was pregnant, I read books and articles all emphasizing the fact that the more milk you express, the more milk you will make, so there is no reason a mom shouldn't be able to feed twins or even triplets exclusively on breast milk. For whatever reason, however, my boobies didn't quite understand this theory. My babies were feeding constantly, but never seemed to get full. And worse, they were barely gaining any weight. I was starting to get very worried about my Baby Girl and Little Man. My pediatrician at the time was absolutely no help. I was told that I needed to offer them the breast more frequently, though I'm not sure how that was possible since I was already constantly feeding them--seriously, I couldn't even go to the bathroom without them screaming because my boob wasn't in their mouth. I was also told that they weren't latching on correc